List Of 10 Interesting Research Paper Topics About Accounting

Accounting is a very broad subject that you will be creating a research paper about. You will need to narrow the subject down and decide on a topic. Then you will need to create a thesis statement about that topic to write your paper on. This is the most important part of your paper because it is the basis of your entire writing. Here is a list of 10 interesting research paper topics about accounting:

  1. Are there prejudices involved in auditing?
  2. Is cash going to be non-existent in the future?
  3. Which accounting software is the most user-friendly?
  4. Should computers completely replace paper accounting?
  5. How can you become a Certified Public Accountant?
  6. What are the advantages of using a local accountant over one you find on the internet?
  7. Are the chances of auditing greater of you do your taxes personally?
  8. How can we control income from other countries? Should it be taxed?
  9. How ethical are accountants that help the rich not pay taxes?
  10. How has the internet changed accounting?

Once you have decided on a topic, you can begin to do research. Make sure you use at least three different sources to get your information. Make complete and thorough notes and keep them organized. As you continue to research you will begin to form your topic sentence. Once you have solidified your thesis statement, you can narrow your research down to concentrate on that.

Now that your research is complete, you can create your outline. Use your notes and create your outline that includes your introduction, body and conclusion. Your introduction should include the thesis statement as well as some information that will entice your reader to continue reading the essay. Your outline should include what main points you are going to use to substantiate your thesis statement. Your outline should also state the facts that you are using to back those main points. It should also include your conclusion which hopefully will summarize your thesis statement and how you supported it. Also include something that will make the reader want to further the study you have begun.

Once you have completed your outline, you can create your rough draft. This will be easy if you use your outline like a road map and write your paper. Have someone you trust read your rough draft to make sure it makes sense and flows well. Ask for some guidance to make it better and make the edits as suggested. Make sure your grammar and spelling is perfect and create your final draft.

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