How To Create A Good Biology Research Paper, Title, Page Tips & Tricks

Writing a biology research paper is alike any other scientific work. The core objective is to provide a way through which the writer can communicate to other scientists based on their findings. Prior to the writing, you must find relevant information and assemble all the necessary ideas and findings. This article will give you the important tips and tricks in writing an outstanding biology essay.


The title of your work should espouse specificity in that it should adequately describe the key contents in the entire text. The text should nevertheless, not be too complex for basic comprehension. Moreover, it should apparently describe the subject matter of your work. On certain occasions, a title that reviews the results is more efficacious. The name of the author and any other substantial contributors should also be written.


Write an abstract that previews the main ideas the reader should expect from the work. This should cover a single paragraph with an upper limit of 250 words. To make your summery more effective, shred off unnecessary words but do not employ abbreviations.


Write the introduction by pointing out the main reasons why you were interested in the topic. This should also briefly explain the crucial questions you asked in the experiment. It should not be too long but brief enough to fit in one to four paragraphs.


Note down the materials and methods employed to make your experiment a success. Alternatively, if you had a complicated work, you can use a diagram to explain the methods used. Do not leave out ethical considerations in this section. The most crucial part in your writing is the results. These should be presented in various forms such as use of tables, prose writing and graphs. However, you should strictly present the actual figures you got in the course of the experiment. Modifying the data can distort everything. Tables and graphs should be preceded with a title.

After, presenting your findings, you will need to discuss them. Here, you should explain how the relationship between the results and the main question. For instance, state whether the results back up your hypothesis or not.


After the discussion, conclude your text by giving your general opinion about the relationship between the topic and the findings. Acknowledge every individual who made it a success and then refer your readers with relevant citations.

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